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Icelandair refund and compensation

Have you ever been in a situation where you are looking forward to your vacation but suddenly you hear that your flight was delayed, cancelled, or even denied boarding?

If you experience flight disruptions with an Icelandair flight, you may be entitled to either compensation, refund or both. The rules and legislation connected to the aircraft industry can be difficult and confusing to understand. That’s why we at will give you an overview of your air passenger rights below so you can see if you are owed compensation or refund.

Did you already contact Icelandair to try to get a refund or compensation but no luck? This is the case for many passengers as Icelandair might try to avoid paying its passengers their compensation and refund.

If you need help with Icelandair flight compensation or refund, you can create your case and fill in your flight details here ( and see how much compensation you can get. We can help with international flights and domestic flights and we will answer you within 24 hours.

What is the difference between refund and compensation?

First of all, to know your air passenger rights on your Icelandair flight, it is important to understand the difference between ticket refund and compensation, and it is actually very simple. Refunds are the cases where you get the money back from your airline ticket, i.e. refunded. This will be in the event of a canceled flight. Compensation, on the other hand, is where you receive money in addition to the value of the flight ticket price when you have experienced a canceled flight or a delay.

Icelandair flight delay compensation

What is your right to compensation if Icelandair delays your flight? There are mainly 3 things that you need to be aware of in this situation with Icelandair flights:

  1. How many hours is the flight delayed? By flight delays, it is meant how many hours after the original scheduled arrival time you land at the final destination. To be eligible for compensation, your flight must arrive at least 3 hours later than scheduled at the final destination. A delayed flight on a trip with two or more flights to a final destination can also cause you to miss your connecting flight.
  2. How long is your booked flight? The length of the route is crucial to the amount of compensation you are eligible for. The distance compensation is defined as follows:

-1,500 km or less (passengers are entitled to EUR 250)

-between 1,500 km – 3,500 km (passengers are entitled to EUR 400)

-over 3,500 km (passengers are entitled to EUR 600)

  1. What is the reason for the Icelandair flight delay? The reason for the delay may determine if you are eligible for Icelandair flight compensation. This is because if the reason for the flight delay is placed outside the airline’s control, you can not get flight compensation. The EU regulation states that in the case of extraordinary circumstances that the airline could not have foreseen or affected, no compensation for delay can be sought. In some cases airlines tend to use extraordinary circumstances as excuses to not pay compensation, but in reality, the real cause was not actually extraordinary circumstances. We at can help you win cases where this is the situation.

Icelandair flight Cancellation compensation

If you experience a cancellation with your flight booked with Icelandair, you may also be entitled to flight cancellation compensation. When Icelandair cancels your flight, there are a number of factors that you must be aware of:

  1. How long prior to departure were you informed of the Icelandair flight cancellation? To be entitled to get compensation in the event of Icelandair cancellation, you must have been informed about this 14 days or less before departure. If you were informed more than 14 days in advance, you are not entitled to compensation.
  2. Has Icelandair offered you a rebooking? If Icelandair has offered you an alternative flight, there are a number of deadlines for how long before / after the original departure that the alternative flights may depart. If the rebooking meets these deadlines, you are not entitled to compensation. Contact us at for more information.
  3. What is the reason for the flight cancellation? As with delay, the airline cannot be held accountable for cancellations caused by extraordinary circumstances and in these cases you can not claim compensation. However, you can always get a refund of your flight tickets. Read more about this under the section on refunds.
  4. What is the distance of your trip? As with Icelandair flight delays, the distance of the journey is crucial to the total amount of the compensation to which you may be entitled. See the above section Icelandair flight delay compensation for more information about this.

Refund rights for Icelandair flight cancellation:

If Icelandair cancels your trip, you are entitled to a full refund, regardless of whether they offer a replacement flight or not. It is your own choice whether you want to say yes to a replacement flight, or get a refund in the events of Icelandair flights cancellation. Passengers have the right to the following:

  1. A refund within 7 days for the part of the trip that has not been completed, as well as the parts that have been made, if those parts of the trip no longer serve a purpose for the original planned trip. In addition, you are entitled to a return flight to the original destination at the earliest opportunity.
  2. A rebooking of your flight under comparable conditions to the planned destination at the earliest opportunity
  3. A rebooking of your flight under comparable conditions to the planned destination, at a later date, if it is the passenger’s own choice.

Air passenger rights for denied boarding

Airlines tend to overbook their planes as in most cases not all passengers actually show up. But in events where all passengers come to their flight, a denied boarding will be the case for come passengers. This can be a very unfortunate situation, as you might already be at the gate when Icelandair tells you that you can not go on that flight. If you have been denied boarding, you are entitled to financial compensation from Icelandair, as with flight delays and cancellations.

Contact us at for more information on denied boarding.

Reimbursement rights of costs incurred in connection with delayed flight or cancellation on Icelandair flights

If you have been forced to bear the necessary costs in relation with flight delays or cancellations on your Icelandair flight, you can have these reimbursed. In this case, there may be costs for meals and refreshments, as well as hotel accommodation and alternative transport.

Do you need help seeking refund or compensation?

At, we are always ready to help you apply for Icelandair delay compensation, flight cancellation compensation or refund. We can help with both international flights and domestic flights. It is easy for you to create a case on our website, and then just wait for us to get back your money. You can create your case here at

Additionally, you are welcome to call or write to us if you have further questions, we answer within 24 hours:


What have other passengers experienced with Icelandair?

If you want to look at what other passengers have experienced with Icelandair flights in regards to refund and compensation you can join the Facebook group ‘Bad experiences with Icelandair – Refund and Compensation’ by clicking here.

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Hi! My name is Jacob. I work at where we help air passangers get compensation for refunds for delayed or cancelled flights. If you need any help with your flight then feel free to contact me. E-mail:

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